Are you looking to realign your teeth? Look for Invisalign!

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When you have mild to moderate alignment issues such as crossbite, under or overbite, gapped or crowded teeth, it could be easy to think that you would need visible braces to realign them. However, there are Invisible braces Sydney  that offer an alternative to traditional fixed, visible braces. One popular treatment is Invisalign.

What is Invisalign and how does it work?

Invisalign ticks the discreet box because it consists of plastic aligners that are transparent and are worn over the teeth like a streamlined gumshield. Being transparent, only your teeth should be on show as you wear them. The aligners apply pressure to the teeth to gradually move them into the desired position. Patients change their aligners on a weekly basis and their dentist provides them with 6 weeks’ worth of aligners before seeing them for a check-up and to provide patients with their next 6 week batch.

Why do people choose Invisalign?

a dental chair

There are many reasons why Invisalign is a popular choice with patients. One reason is the fact that they are barely visible, so patients are free to continue with their lives without having to worry about people looking at what they have in their mouth. Another benefit of choosing Invisalign is the fact that the aligners are made bespoke for each patient. Using iTero technology, a dentist will use the digital scan to get the measurements of the patient’s mouth, and these will then be used by the Invisalign laboratory to manufacture the aligners. This means that they should be as comfortable as possible to wear. And, if patients fancy a break from wearing the aligners, they have up to 2 hours a day in which they may remove the aligners. This means that they can be taken out for mealtimes, so patients do not need to alter their diet in any way, and they can brush and floss as normal, allowing their oral hygiene routine not to suffer.

A further advantage of invisible braces with Invisalign is the fact that the plastic they are made from is very durable and difficult to break. This means that you shouldn’t need to visit the dentist for emergency appointments, leaving you with more time to get on with your own hectic life!

How to get Invisalign

If you are interested in finding out more about Invisalign, the first thing you will need to do is to book in for an initial consultation with a dental practice which offers this treatment. You may be interested in finding a provider who is accredited by Invisalign; the highest accreditation is Diamond. The dentist will then be able to examine your mouth thoroughly and advise you on whether or not Invisalign would be a suitable treatment for your specific needs. If Invisalign is recommended as the treatment for you, there are so many reasons to go for it! In as little as 6 to 18 months, you could have a beautiful smile thanks to this discreet treatment and, if other people look at your smile during that time, they shouldn’t realise that you have anything in your mouth, so what’s stopping you?

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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