How You Can Design an Encouraging Home for Your Child

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One of the things parents think about is how they can create a home that best fits the needs of the whole family. When you own a house, you have more chances to change things up and make it work for you the way you need it to. With kids around, you may be thinking of ways to design your children’s rooms, but the rest of the house stays ancient and untouched.

While your kids have needs that have to be met, remember that they don’t only live in their own rooms. The rest of the house should also be scrutinized, and your needs as an individual should also be considered. After all, the children are not the only ones who are going to live in the house. You’re in it, too.

Think Ahead

No matter what age your younglings are, you should take into account that their preferences will inevitably change throughout the years. While they may be demanding a pink-themed room now, they might want a more mellow color as they grow older.

So instead of painting an entire room with just pink, you might want to use a neutral color as the base with an accent color instead. You can pick white as your primary color for the walls and use two shades of pink like pastel and Fuschia as accents on furniture, sheets, or curtains. Remember that more permanent changes are harder to redo.

This extends to the overall design of your house. If you have very young children, you might want to go for high-quality vinyl tiles instead of ceramic ones. They’re a lot easier to deal with and have a soft texture that makes it safer for kids who like running around. You can eventually change them out when the kids are older, making it a very convenient design choice for now.

Consider Their Need for Privacy and Independence

As kids grow up, they will gain more agency and will want to have their own privacy. Alongside growing up is them developing their own personality and forming a life of their own. They have their own friends, hobbies, and activities outside of school. At home, giving them the liberty to keep up with their social circles and have their time will be helpful for their growth.

When making room for your pre-teen or teenager, consider not placing it right next to your own space. Have the bathroom in the middle, or put their room on the other end of the hallway. This gives them a better sense of independence and personal space. And in terms of personal space, it’s good to allow them to personalize their own room the way they want. The room doesn’t have to be luxuriously oversized, but just enough so that they can display their hobbies and hang out with friends.

Create a Child-friendly Workshop

kids playing

Kids like to emulate what their parents are doing. If they see you doing something in your garage, perhaps like making a table or fixing your car, they’ll inevitably want to try it out too. Of course, having them around when you’re working with power tools can be very dangerous.

An excellent way to ensure their safety while encouraging their creative spirits and interests to strive is by providing them with a room to exercise it. Create a child-friendly art and crafts station where they can doodle and create things to their hearts’ content. It won’t be spotless and organized; after all, it’s a workshop for kids, but it will help them develop. Include art materials and other child-safe equipment to encourage them to make and express their ideas.

Think About Having a Second Bathroom

If your children are still toddlers, you might think it’s unnecessary to have a second bathroom. But as your children grow up, using the bathroom eventually leads to competition over who gets to use it first, particularly in the morning. This point of argument can be avoided with a second toilet and bath. A standard solution is to have one shared bath in the hallway and another in the master’s bedroom. This way, you’re eliminating yourself and your partner as part of the competition for bathroom rights.

Whatever renovation or construction project you decide to do, the main goal is to create an environment that promotes good values for you and your children. Keep in mind the cleanliness of the place, the design elements that you’ll use, as well as the functionality of your living space. This way, you can make sure that each family member can live in a comfortable and healthy environment.

About The Author

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A woman teaching children
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