How to Create an Effective Home Maintenance Plan A Step-by-Step Guide

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Owning a home is a dream for many people. Having a space and property to call your own – where you can do as you please, unwind, plant a garden, raise your family, entertain, and let your pets roam free. Many checks are in the plus column when you have your place. But it’s important to remember that it’s not all sunshine and roses.

Your dream of homeownership comes with a lot of responsibility and commitment, or that dream can quickly become a nightmare! Home maintenance is vital to your family’s comfort, safety, and happiness. Some things are expected and easy to care for, but others may creep up on you unexpectedly if you don’t stay on top of them.

This can be difficult when jobs, activities, and other things keep us busy. But no worries, we’re here to help. This blog will explore creating an effective home maintenance plan to help keep you (and your home) in tip-top shape.

1. Safeguarding Your Plumbing System

Your home’s plumbing is kind of like your body’s circulatory system. If problems develop, nothing in the rest of the house will work correctly. What would you do with no water? Worse, what would you do with water leaking and dripping everywhere? No toilet, no showers, nothing to cook or clean with, your lawn would burn out; it would be a mess.

So, ensuring your plumbing is safe should be at the top of your list of home maintenance tasks. There are several things you can do to ensure that your plumbing is (and remains) in good working order. First, insulate your water pipes. Proper insulation can help keep pipes from freezing in the winter and bursting.

It will also help with heat retention and reduce the time it takes for the water to get hot, lowering costs and usage. Next, install leak detectors; they will give you early notice of leaks and freezing pipes, allowing you to take action. Don’t try it yourself when pipes need to be replaced or repaired; home repiping services are the best route.

You should also schedule regular inspections by a plumber to ensure all your water systems work correctly. Finally, little things can be big money savers. Don’t put trash in the toilet (band-aids, cotton balls, etc.), don’t pour grease or oil down any drains, and use drain covers to catch hair and debris.

2. Handling Hazardous Materials at Home

At some point, most homes will contain some hazardous materials. Whether you find them when you first move in or have stored them throughout the years, so don’t feel bad about harboring some secret toxic substances. The main thing is to handle them properly and dispose of them appropriately, so nobody is harmed, and the environment is not affected.

For instance, many older homes have asbestos insulation – typically in the attic, basement, or ceilings. Don’t try to clean it up on your own. While dormant asbestos is relatively harmless, it can be dangerous if stirred up. The tiny fibers are known to enter the lungs and cause multiple health problems. If you need it removed, it’s best to call a professional asbestos clean up crew.

Lead is another hazardous material you may find in older homes. Lead was used regularly in paint, pipes, and furniture until the late 1970s. So if you find yourself in a “This Old House” situation, be careful.

Other hazardous materials in your home include old batteries, antifreeze, fluorescent lightbulbs, ammonia, bleach, paint, pesticides, propane tanks, and anything labeled flammable. Suppose you can dispose of unneeded materials properly. Most towns have hazardous waste disposal days when you can drop off items.

3. Keeping Pests at Bay: Prevention Tips

Thinking of bugs or rodents in a home is enough to send many folks running. It doesn’t matter if it’s ants, flies, roaches, spiders, mice, or rats; nobody has time for these pesky pests! Not only are they gross and embarrassing to have to share your space, but they can be a health hazard as well.

Even the most immaculate homes can have the occasional pest control problem. The little nuisances can hitch a ride on packages, had their regular home disrupted by construction, or maybe that apple one of the kid kids forgot about under the couch attracted them. So don’t feel bad if you find an unwanted resident.

The good news is you can do plenty to prevent creepy crawlers from entering your home. Start in the kitchen by ensuring all food is stored in sealed containers. Everything from cereal and bread to pet food and chips should be in plastic, glass, or rubber containers. Take out the trash regularly, even if it’s not complete.

Next, inspect your house for cracks, holes, and torn screens, and seal up any possible entry points. Keep your attic and basement well-ventilated and dry. Do regular landscaping and keep a neat yard. Pests love overgrown grass, wood piles, stinky trash cans, old sheds, tarps, etc.

Vacuum regularly and wash pet bedding often. Keep clutter (mainly cardboard) to a minimum; pests love to nest in messes and use cardboard to make bedding. Some natural resources to keep pests at bay include vinegar, rosemary, peppermint, and sage.

4. Maintaining Oral Health for the Family

Home maintenance isn’t always about keeping your house in order, but keeping your family healthy and avoiding potential medical issues is just as important. Part of that includes regular visits to the dentist. Maintaining oral health is a vital part of all family dentistry practices.

Annual exams can help everyone in the family avoid significant problems and dental emergencies that can turn your house upside down. Routine cleanings to scrape away damaging tartar, x-rays, fillings, and other painless dental procedures can go a long way in maintaining oral health. This will help save you time and money in the long run. Meanwhile, you can spend that energy and cash on keeping your home!

5. Combatting Mold: DIY Strategies

Mold is not only unsightly, it’s unhealthy, especially for the young, elderly, and anyone with respiratory issues. So it’s essential to get rid of it as soon as you see it. Mold removal services can be expensive and, unfortunately, aren’t typically covered by insurance. The good news is there are ways to combat this funky fungus on your own.

Remember, these solutions are only recommended if it’s a small amount and has not spread through walls and floors. First, mold loves dark, moist areas like attics, basements, and bathrooms, so your best defense is prevention. This can be achieved by maintaining good ventilation in these areas, directing water away from your home with downspouts and grading, and placing dehumidifiers in mold-prone areas.

Also, don’t let puddles or wet clothes/towels sit in the bathroom. If you do find a patch of the gross goblin, the best way to send it on its way is vinegar. Spray the affected area with white vinegar and let it sit for about an hour. Be sure to wear a mask to avoid accidentally inhaling mold spores. After the hour is up, wipe down the area with a bleach and water mix to sanitize the area. You can spray some tea tree oil or lemon juice to prevent the mold from coming back.

6. Enhancing Home Comfort With Window Treatments

Home maintenance includes ensuring your family is comfortable, and the house keeps a balanced temperature. Window treatments are an integral part of this process. Choosing the right window treatments depends on several factors and should be done room-by-room. There are many options depending on your personal style, lifestyle, and budget.

For instance, if you happen to work at night or the neighbors have floodlights, you might want to choose blackout roller shades. These are simple but stylish shades that can easily be rolled up when you want a burst of sunshine and rolled down when you don’t. Other options include Venetian blinds, curtain panels, drapes, shutters, and Roman shades.

When choosing your window treatments, always consider privacy, glare, and energy efficiency. These are the main reasons for having window coverings. It’s estimated that up to 30% of a home’s heat is lost through the windows, so choosing suitable quality treatments is vital for an efficient home. You may want to consider layering. Combining shades or blinds with drapes can satisfy your decorative needs while maintaining a balance of warmth, privacy, and natural light when you want it.

7. Reviving Carpets: DIY Cleaning Tips

Carpeting can be an expensive investment, so you want to extend its life whenever possible. Regular vacuuming is your best defense against your carpet breaking down and becoming dingy, but there are other ways to keep your carpet-like new appearance for years to come. One way is to steam clean it at least twice a year; this helps remove deep-down dirt and pet dander and revives the fibers, giving it a fluffy texture.

You can also use a carpet rake or brush occasionally before vacuuming. These tools loosen dirt and also help fluff up the carpet. Carpet cleaning companies can be a great tool, but they’re expensive and often use harsh chemicals that can harm pets, children, and those with allergies. So, if you’ve only got a few spots in small areas that need tending, there are a few natural ways to take care of it yourself.

One popular method is to use a hair dryer and a fork. Put the dryer on a low setting and let it blow heat onto the area in need of help. After a few minutes, dig in with the fork and start working it through the fibers (similar to big hair teasing in the 1980s). This will eliminate flat areas and ground in gunk, and make it look new. Other methods include shaving cream, baking soda, and ironing. Follow proper instructions before ironing your rug – including using a damp towel.

8. Ensuring Home Protection: Insurance Essentials

While you can get insurance riders for just about anything (riders are just extra insurance to cover unique items), for this section, we’ll stick to the basics that every homeowner should have. First, it’s essential to know that most banks won’t approve your mortgage unless you get home insurance. They need to protect their investment as much as you.

Your basic policy should contain what’s called comprehensive perils. This will cover personal liability (should someone get hurt on your property), coverage for damages or losses due to fire, flooding, or other natural disasters, explosions, falling trees, theft, and vandalism. Your homeowner insurance company will work with you to devise a plan that fits your budget and personal needs. Read the policy carefully. Often, things like mold, sewer backups, and civil unrest are not covered.

9. Strengthening Home Security: Lock Maintenance

Some of the most important forms of home maintenance are those that keep our family and belongings safe and secure. Ensure that this is being done by first checking your locks. Secure door locks and window locks, making sure they’re nice and tight.

Consider installing outdoor lighting and motion detectors. Install a camera and alarm system. A survey of 400 convicted burglars found that 80% of them checked for security, and if found, 60% of them moved on. Keyless entry and smart locks are also great ways to improve the security of your home.

10. Streamlining Household Chores: Cleaning Efficiency

The key to household chores is to have a plan that includes a schedule and a list. Another important thing is that everyone contributes. Everyone! Break down chores into smaller pieces and let people choose what they want.

Take turns doing the things you all dislike. Try setting a timer for 15 minutes each day when everyone tidies up and organizes, so things don’t get away from you. Use multipurpose cleaners and tools like a stream mop, so you’re not constantly putting away and taking out products.

Declutter regularly; throw out old mail, toys, clothes, empty containers, etc. Make it fun by putting in some music or a podcast. Consider hiring home cleaning services to come once a month to help with the load!

Being a homeowner is a great lifestyle choice for many people. If you’re thinking of buying a house, it’s crucial to balance your excitement about making it your home with an effective plan to care for it. Proper home maintenance can help save you money and headaches in the long run.

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