Your dental sanctuary

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It was not uncommon in the past to regard a visit to the dentist with a modicum of trepidation. There are many a dentist Wagga who have addressed this problem by encouraging parents to bring their children to the dental practice when they are as young as possible. By providing an area for children to play, have fun and learn, they become relaxed in the surroundings and environment. During the ensuing decades these children will grow into adults who have no fear of the dentist. Treating those patients who are already adults requires a real team effort from the receptionist to the dentist. Dentists generally have found that providing as much information as possible about a particular condition and the recommended treatment helps to put the patient at ease. Promoting discussion and questions from the patient allows them to gain confidence in their treatment. These actions allow a relationship to be formed which in turn makes the patient more relaxed and comfortable in the dental practice. The dentist can then be more candid with patients when it comes to identifying the cause of a particular condition especially if it is down to poor oral hygiene.

Preventive dentistry the key

There is no doubt that early detection and treatment is vital to help keep tooth decay and gum disease at bay. That is why dentists want to see children as young as one year old, as it allows them to detect and treat any problems before they can manifest in later years. Education is also part of preventive dentistry and it is important for a patient to understand the causes of dental problems. It is then easier to see the benefits of an oral hygiene routine that includes proper brushing, flossing and regular dental visits. Children and adults alike can fall into bad habits and it is necessary to repeat the oral hygiene routine discussion at the six monthly visits to ensure that it is being correctly maintained. Another very important procedure that a dentist may offer is hygienist dental cleaning and using the latest technology it is no longer necessary to scrape plaque from a patient’s teeth. This new technology uses a guided, concentrated jet of air and water at high pressure to remove stains and plaque. This method efficiently and effectively removes food particles stuck between a patient’s teeth, it is quicker and more comfortable for the patient.

beautiful smile

Latest equipment for your dental care

Technology and science have worked side by side over the past decades to produce dental equipment that now provides quick treatment. Using new techniques and skills, dentists have reduced the discomfort and anxiety patients experienced decades ago. Procedures that were considered complex in the past are now regarded as routine. Dental implants have become the norm to replace lost teeth and veneers are considered standard to repair chipped teeth. There is now a variety of cosmetic procedures available as well, including teeth whitening, bridges and crowns.

Personal dental care

With a patient focused approach to providing the best primary care that modern dentistry can offer, by regular training in the latest techniques and by investing in the most contemporary equipment, dentists can assure patients that they are in good safe dental hands.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

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