How to Instill Environmental Values in Your Children

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It’s important for us to care about the environment because it’s our home. The Earth is the only planet we know of that supports life, and it’s up to us to take care of it. If we don’t preserve the environment, we could lose our natural resources and damage the planet beyond repair. By caring for the environment, we’re not only protecting our planet, but also ensuring a healthy future for ourselves and our children.

It’s never too early to start teaching your children about the importance of environmentalism! As soon as they are old enough to understand, you should begin to introduce the idea of environmentalism to them.

It might be challenging to parents to figure out how they can instill a love for environment on their children. Here are a few tips that can help.

Set a good example

Be mindful of your own actions and behavior. Try to set an example for your kids by not wasting water and electricity, separating the trash appropriately and recycling as much as you can. If you make these things a habit, it won’t be long before your children follow suit!

Homeowners that rely on solar panels to power their homes can also begin to explain the benefits of it because they’d naturally be curious, especially if theirs is the only house in the neighborhood that doesn’t rely on the grid.

Be active outdoors


When we spend time outdoors we feel rejuvenated and relaxed. It doesn’t matter whether you choose to go on a nature walk or simply relax in your backyard; spending some time outdoors helps us appreciate Earth’s beauty and all that it has to offer!

As you’re out on your walks, point out the things that you see around you. Tell them about how trees produce oxygen, why some plants are colorful or what kinds of animals live in the area.

You can also teach your kids about recycling by making it a game. For example, give each person an item to pick up while they’re on their walk. Whoever collects the most items from the environment is the winner!

Whether it’s playing on the beach or hiking up mountains, being outside is always fun.

Watch nature documentaries

There are many wonderful nature documentaries available on streaming services such as Netflix. Sir David Attenborough, a natural historian, has several programs that shows the beauty of nature and discusses the impact of climate change to the world’s biodiversity.

Watching nature documentaries is an entertaining way to learn. Moreover, it perfectly illustrates how the actions of humans affect the lives of different plants and animals all over the world.

Start simple

Environmental issues can be complicated, so it’s best to start with the basics during childhood. They may not be able to grasp more complex topics that are involved in climate change.

You can start showing your kids how everyone is responsible for the well-being of our environment and that we all need to work together to take care of it. You can also start by talking to them about the things they love most — such as animals, nature and plants — and explaining how their actions can affect the environment.

As they get older, you can begin to talk about the consequences of not caring for our planet. You can talk about the rising sea levels, the disappearance of ice caps, the increase in water temperature. Explain to them how these changes will affect their lives in the future.

Be involved with civic actions that aim to promote sustainability

There are marches, events, and other activities held by organizations and companies that fight against climate change. If you’re passionate about this cause, teach your children to be just as involved and interested in these activities! Fridays for Future specifically is a movement that was started by then-15-year-old Greta Thunberg and involves young people. The protest, which is held during Fridays, calls on governments to take action against climate change.

Their generation will be the one who has to face the greatest impact of tackling climate change, so it’s important that they understand the consequences of irresponsible behavior.

The way you teach your children about the environment is important. It’s never too early to start teaching them how to take care of our planet and it doesn’t have to be a complicated process either! The things they love most can serve as an entry point into conservation efforts that will help keep Earth healthy for generations to come.

The earlier you start, the more likely your children will grow up to be environmental-friendly adults!

About The Author

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