Family Lifestyle

Babies and Dog Allergies: Eight Things You Can Do Before Giving up Your Dog

Would you file for divorce if your spouse doesn’t quit smoking? Will you leave a happy marriage because your spouse cannot control his/her smoking habits? Not likely, right? It’s the same thing with pet allergies and babies. Most parents rightfully feel that it is their responsibility to protect their babies from all kinds of things

Babies and Dog Allergies: Eight Things You Can Do Before Giving up Your Dog Read More

student athlete

Effective Ways to Manage Your Time as a Student Athlete

Managing your time is difficult enough when you’re a student, but it’s even more challenging when you’re an athlete. From heading to the courts for regular sports practices to juggling homework and extracurricular activities, if you aren’t being deliberate about balancing your schedule, you’ll quickly become overwhelmed. While it seems difficult to do, it’s certainly not

Effective Ways to Manage Your Time as a Student Athlete Read More

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Picture of a family
A woman teaching children
kids on a party
picture of a happy family
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