Play, Create, Learn: Pointers for the Perfect Kids’ Bedroom

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Creating a space where your kids can play, learn, and create in their own little world is an important part of their growth. There are many benefits that a child can gain by having their own space, like the ability to have time away from younger siblings and become more responsible with their things. Decorating your child’s bedroom is a challenging feat, but with these tips, you’ll be able to create a space that your child will love.

Choose a Theme

The first step to decorating is choosing a theme. Think about what your child likes and build from there. It could be a TV show, a comic book character, a video game; the sky’s the limit. Once you’ve chosen the theme, remember that the things your child likes now might not be the same things he or she likes a year from now.

What you can do is to align replaceable items like toys, bed sheets, and pillowcases with your theme instead of flooding the whole room with it. You can then incorporate complementary colors and elements that go well with the color palette of your chosen theme. By doing this, you’re not only creating a space that your child will love now but leaving room for changes as they grow up.

Consider Their Height

Children are small, so it’s important to organize their cabinets, table, bed, and other fixtures according to their height. This way, it makes it easier for them to reach for anything they might need, and it can also help prevent any unnecessary accidents.

Get Creative with Color

Don’t be afraid of color, but don’t make it permanent either. Whether you have plain wood or concrete walls, you can add a splash of color by adding colorful decorations that add a bit of life to your child’s room. Also, don’t go for anything too dark or too vivid. Choose light colors that come off neutral so you won’t have to deal with major changes once your little one decides they don’t like kiddie colors.

Create a Work Area

Kids’ brains are like sponges, so they must always be learning. Give your child a workstation that allows them to let their creative juices flow, whether it’s painting, drawing, or arts and crafts. You can also add a small bookcase in this area for their inner bookworm. When they get older, they’ll still get to use this area as a private space where they can focus on their studies.

In the meantime, use this area to display their masterpieces and inspire them to keep creating. You never know a hobby now might become a profession in the future.

Pick the Right Lighting

Getting your kids to fall asleep is hard, but making sure they stay asleep until the morning is harder. You can solve this problem by changing their window dressings. Consider using blackout curtains or blinds that help make sure the room is dark enough for bedtime. This is especially useful for seasons when the days are longer than the nights. If you choose to get blinds, make sure to get cordless designs to help keep your child safe.

child's bedroom

Some children aren’t comfortable with the idea of having all their lights off, so consider installing a nightlight that can help ease your child’s fears and light the way in case they feel the need to get up in the middle of the night. Once they get older and more comfortable sleeping in the dark, you can get rid of the nightlight and replace it with table and floor lamps. This helps create a nice ambiance for quiet nights in their room or socializing with friends.

Leave Room for a Storage Area

Kids don’t just use their bedrooms to sleep. They use them as play areas, which creates a lot of big messes that you need to clean up. This is why having the proper storage for their toys and other things is important. This way, you can teach your child to put their toys back in their proper places. When they grow older, you can convert this area into a bigger workspace where your child can store their books, school supplies, and other items. With this in mind, consider using durable storage pieces or even multi-purpose furniture that will last you a long time.

One thing to remember is that you shouldn’t spring this change onto your child right away. Involve them throughout the whole process because, after all, it’s their room. This doesn’t mean that they get to pick everything they want, but let them pick the smaller things like decorations or colors. By doing this, you’re showing them that you care about their opinions, and you can be sure that they’ll be happy with the result.

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A woman teaching children
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