A Guide to Deep-cleaning Your Family Bathroom

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The bathroom is where we go to get clean in our home. Despite that, it is actually one of the dirtiest places in our home. Thus, it must be the place in our homes that gets cleaned the most. Deep cleaning your bathroom is especially a must when there are children around—they are the most likely to make a mess and get sick due to that mess. Most experts say that you must deep-clean your bathroom at least once a week or twice if you want to be safe.

How Gross Is Your Bathroom?

But how gross is your bathroom exactly? Because we go there to get cleaned up, we also drop off most of the bacteria we collect throughout the day. All places in the bathroom are hotspots and drop zones for bacteria, some more so than others. Considering what toilets are used for, we could assume that it is the bathroom’s dirtiest spot. In fact, the average toilet seat alone contains 295 bacteria per square inch.

But the dirtiest place in your bathroom is actually the floor. It is where all the bacteria land consequently. And since it does get wet more often than not, it creates the perfect breeding ground for said bacteria. A single square inch of the floor contains 764 bacteria. The fact that the bathroom floor is one of the room’s biggest areas makes that number a lot more jarring. And don’t get us started on how much of that bacteria gets on your toothbrush each day!

You must be itching to go clean your bathroom. Lucky for you, we have prepared tips, what you need and how to do it properly below. These will ensure that the cleaning is thorough and effective in all areas of the room. But also note that before you start cleaning, make sure you are wearing the proper gear, such as gloves, face mask, apron, or even a face shield to avoid inhalation and irritation that any of the cleaning materials might cause.

clean bathroom

What You Need to Clean and How

Start From the Top

Since the bathroom floor is the dirtiest area in the bathroom and is also the final landing spot for said bacteria, starting from top to bottom is the way to go. It would help if you first targeted the dust on the ceiling and corners of the room. Mini vacuums and long-handled feather dusters always work best during this step, especially when dealing with hard to reach places.

Shelves and Surfaces

This includes the places that are most frequently touched and where personal items are usually placed. Examples are countertops, racks, and vanity areas. The cleaning materials you will need for these areas are anti-bacterial wipes, scrub brushes, your mini vacuum or dusters if there is excess dust, and a glass cleaner. Hypoallergenic detergent or bleach is also a must—you frequent these areas, so it is better to use less harsh supplies to avoid irritation.

Begin with getting rid of any excess dust, wiping down the shelves and racks, scrubbing the counter. Then, you move on to scrubbing down the countertops, faucet, and sink. It is also good to let bleach or detergent sit on these surfaces for a while for maximum cleaning. And finally, you finish off by wiping down the mirror with some glass cleaner.

Hit the Showers

With the shelves and surfaces done, you can finally move on to the bath area. This area is one of the easiest places to clean. The only supplies you’ll need will be scrub brushes and detergent or bleach. Once again, you’ll be starting up. Scrub down the showerhead, the shower handles, and the walls, making sure you get all grime and build-up. When that is done, you’ll move on to the floor and bathtub, scrubbing thoroughly. If there seems to be some serious build-up, it is good to let the bleach and detergent sit and soak in.

Toilet Time

Finally, one of the more challenging areas to clean! The toilet is second dirtiest to the floor, so it should be the second to the last area to clean. For this part, the supplies you will need are scrub brushes, anti-bacterial wipes, bleach or detergent (heavy-duty for the bowl, hypoallergenic for everything else), and a plunger or drain cleaner if your toilet is clogged. You can ask your local toilet supplier for the best cleaning materials you can use for this problem. Start with simply scrubbing from top to bottom, then finally move on to the bowl area. Scrub the bowl down first, then let it soak in bleach, detergent, or drain cleaner.

Floor It

The last step in our deep cleaning process; this might take longer than the rest since it is one of the biggest areas. For this part, you will need scrub brushes, detergent or bleach (heavy-duty this time), a mop, and a glass cleaner. You will start with a mixture of bleach or detergent with water, making sure it is in equal parts and adding more of the former if the buildup of dirt is severe. Then, pour some onto the floor, and let it soak for a while. 10 to 20 minutes is enough.

After that, you can now take your brush and scrub away any heavy build-up. Once done, you may go over it and dry it with a mop. Finally, you can go over the entire floor with some glass cleaner for some final clean and shine. When you are finished with everything, you may keep the bathroom’s windows and door open to air it out and get rid of any harsh smells of bleach.

All in all, the whole process of deep-cleaning your family bathroom can be a bit tedious at first. But with the proper supplies, method, and effort, it will be done quicker and more efficiently. Ensuring your bathroom stays in tip-top shape will also ensure the overall health of your entire family.

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