Accessorizing Your Sofa for a Bright Home

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Nearly every home has a sofa in the living room, which makes it the centerpiece furniture piece. Some homes even have a set of sofa seats. The sofa seats serve as a resting place for the home users and also visitors. The sofa furniture design is thus critical for the overall living room look. In the average Singapore home, L-shape sofas are key furniture pieces and homeowners should consider getting accessories for the sofa to further brighten the room. These accessories include:

Scatter Cushions

Cushions create the same effect that artwork does to a wall. These cushions are available in different varieties, and there is no doubt that you have many options to choose from. Cushions vary in style, size, pattern, and fabric. Consider mixing different patterns and colors so long as they complement each other. No matter your choice of style, cushions will display your personal preference.

Occasional Chair

You can get a companion seat for your sofa in the form of an occasional chair. Often, the occasional chair should take the corner position in your living room. Occasional chairs take bold colours such as yellow, and also can take a different texture than the sofa fabric. You can also change the style of the occasional chair to one that complements your sofa style. At times these chairs may also be known as accent chairs.

Sofa Throws

Throws may seem like a small addition to a sofa, but their impact on a sofa’s look is huge. Most throws have texture and are available in a wide range of colours. One should use dark throws on brightly colored sofas and bright throws on dark sofas. You can alter the style of spreading the throw on the sofa for different looks.

living room


Lighting has always remained a significant part of interior design. It is no wonder there are different lighting fixtures in the interior décor market. There is a way you can play around with different lighting fixtures to attain different results. For starters, consider adding a light fixture on one side of the sofa. You can also add wall lights around the sofa for a calm and relaxed feel in the room.


Most contemporary homes have dark floors, either in the form of laminate or hardwood floors. These floors make a living room appear dark. Homeowners, therefore, add modern rugs to the floor for a more versatile look. Bright rugs add individuality to the room, while patterned rugs add character to the floor. Rugs frame the area around a sofa and thus act as a great sofa accompaniment.


Mirrors are a necessary addition to most homes as they add light and space to a room. Placing cheval and leaner mirrors around a sofa help create an open feel to a room. These mirrors reflect the existing items in a home. One should place the mirror at a certain angle. If not, place the mirror above the sofa to provide emphasis on the sofa.
Accessorizing your sofa adds a touch of class and elegance to your living room. Therefore, consider getting some or a combination of the above accessories for your L-shaped sofa in Singapore. If you are unsure about whether an accessory suits your sofa, do not be afraid to ask an expert in interior design.

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