Family Health

smiling woman

FAQs for Artificial Implants

Dental implants are an efficient and long-term solution for replacing missing teeth. Dentists fuse them with the jawbone to mimic the root of a missing tooth and later, an artificial cap is placed over the top. Dental implants in Herefordshire can support crowns and dentures almost the way a natural root supports a tooth. Whether

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white teeth

Wanting a Whiter Smile?

Teeth whitening by a dentist gives patients confidence in their smile. By ensuring that they physically examine every one of their patients and by identifying the cause of the discolouration, the treatment itself can be more effective. There are several situations where teeth whitening may not have much effect on the brightness and whiteness of

Wanting a Whiter Smile? Read More

eating disorder

Three Crucial Steps When Opening up to Someone About Your Eating Disorder

Eating disorders usually start as a diet. You either want to gain or lose weight. Slowly, you realize that your eating and exercise habits have become extreme to the point that it’s affecting your health, relationships, and ability to focus. Seeking treatment is difficult regardless of what stage you are at in the recovery process.

Three Crucial Steps When Opening up to Someone About Your Eating Disorder Read More

hands of children
Picture of a family
A woman teaching children
kids on a party
picture of a happy family
baby holding colors

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